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Experience the Full Potential of Your Platform

With our Academy at your fingertips, you have the power to become the master of your own platform. Explore, learn, and excel

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Our Learning Management System (LMS) is your go-to resource for gaining expertise in navigating our platform. Whether you’re new to Luminate or looking to expand your knowledge, our LMS has you covered.

With a range of training and how-to videos, along with comprehensive guides, you’ll find everything you need to become a platform pro.

Streamlined Onboarding and Employee Training:

Our LMS offers a wealth of training resources and courses to be completed, all built to simplify the onboarding process and empower your team with the knowledge they need to succeed.

Comprehensive Knowledgebase:

Access a rich repository of information within our LMS, featuring a wide range of video tutorials and articles. Whether you’re looking for step-by-step guidance or in-depth explanations, our knowledgebase has you covered.

FAQs with Visual Support:

Say goodbye to confusion with our FAQ section, complemented by video demonstrations and informative articles. Get answers to common questions and see how to resolve issues with ease.

User Activity Transcript:

Stay in the know about your usage patterns. Our LMS allows you to track  activity, enabling you to make more informed decisions and optimise your learning for maximum efficiency.

Effortless Marketing Collateral Access:

Need marketing materials? Look no further. Our LMS provides quick and convenient access to white-labelled marketing collateral, ensuring you have the tools you need to promote your brand effectively. Download and use them effortlessly to enhance your marketing efforts.

All of our White Labelled Documents are available through the LMS, where you can add your own logos and colour theme to keep a consistent brand image across all platforms.